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Posts from the ‘Employee Benefits’ Category


Why Invest Through Your Employer?

We manage multiple Group RSP’s and Pension plans at our company, and I am often shocked at how many people are unaware of the benefits of having an Employer Sponsored plan available to them. It is very common for a conversation to include the statement “I invest through my Employer for my monthly matched contribution but I still have (fill in the blank dollar amount) RSP’s at my bank or mutual fund company.”

So that begs the question. Are you better off to leave your other plans separate from your employer plan, or should you consolidate them all into one plan through your work? Read more »


Trends in health benefits for retirees

Since the late ’90s there has been a growing shift away from employers providing group health and dental coverage for retirees. Increasing healthcare costs, provincial de-listing of services, an aging population and changes to accounting rules are the main culprits that are eroding coverage for post-employment. Read more »