Employers tweaking corporate health plans to appeal to millennial workers
During his three-year tenure as a financial analyst at one of Canada’s biggest banks, Devon Wright never once used his company health plan.
“There was just nothing there that was of any interest to me,” says Wright, 28.
So when Wright quit his job in 2012 to launch technology company Turnstyle Solutions, he decided to create a benefits package tailored to his needs. Read more
The ABCs of cash flow planning
By Stephanie Holmes-Winton
Some people say managing your cash flow is as simple as spending less than you make. But cash flow planning is about a lot more than simple math.
Here’s the good news: all you need to start managing your cash flow is a written plan.
No matter what your income is, you can follow a cash flow plan. In fact, this method of financial management is highly efficient even for those who have high incomes.
Often, even advisors who are helping clients through the process commit to their own cash flow management plans. That way, they can answer clients’ questions and understand people’s challenges throughout the process.
Tying the Knot
Marriage is the coming together of two separate lives, but it’s also the coming together of two separate financial histories and situations.
And while your financial past will continue to be a part of your life, you’ll also be contending with a lifetime of new financial experiences and decisions with another person. One key to success is to be ready to handle everything that comes up. And having the financial resources to deal with the unexpected will be as important as developing the communication skills needed to talk about financial matters. Read more
Six creative ways to teach your kids about money
Understanding financial issues is challenging enough for adults, so it’s no wonder many parents struggle when it comes to teaching them to kids.
According to a Harris/Decima Youth Financial Literacy Study for the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, 84% of Canadians believe young people are ill-prepared to manage their finances when they enter the workforce. While 78% of Canadian parents have attempted to teach their children financial management skills, 60% believe that they haven’t been successful. Read more