DM Monthly Report – Sept 2016
Are We Really At The Brink Of “BOND-POCOLYPSE”? – Doomsday predictions for stocks are pretty commonplace, so much so that it’s often hard to keep track of who’s calling for which crash when. In recent quarters, though, fixed income markets have also been caught in the crosshairs of scaremongers, with several commentators and asset managers warning that we’re in the midst of an unsustainable bond bubble that will inevitably burst with costly implications.
Click here to read more: DM-Monthly-Report-Sep-16
Cardinal Update – August 2016
Where the Real Value Lies – Recent market moves have delighted many of our clients as they have seen the market value on their accounts continue to march upward, albeit in choppy fashion. We enjoy having happy clients, but fear that rising market values distract some clients from the real value in their accounts. Market values go up and go down, at the whim of the marketplace. What value there is today can be drastically diminished tomorrow. Market value is the wrong measuring stick. Recall that investing and wealth is the ownership of strong, profitably growing companies.
Click here to read more: Cardinal Update – August 2016
Q2 Portfolio Commentary
‘If you’ve followed my forecasts, you’ve probably lost a lot of money’ – James Bullard, St. Louis Federal Reserve President
Last month, pro hockey’s annual selection of junior and collegiate players was held / Britons voted to either re-embrace or cast off their 43 year membership in the European Union……
So what can we take from these two episodes? First, forecasting is very difficult, regardless of the subject matter. Second, it’s human nature to crave certainty and to be drawn to those who appear to provide it, even when our rational selves know that the definitiveness on offer is rarely possible.
Click here to read more: DM-Portfolio-Commentary-Q2-16
Cardinal Update – May 2016
Politics and Portfolios – As the U.S. Election race continues Cardinal is being continually asked if the political climate in our neighboring country has an impact on our investment strategy. May’s article focuses on if politics result in economic changes at all, and whether or not that affects the companies Cardinal buys.
Our Company Focus this month is on Canadian Natural Resources (CNQ). With oil averaging at its lowest market value in a decade CNQ is still poised to be a front contender and a strong hold in our portfolio, regardless of the price of oil.
Click here to read more: Cardinal Update – May 2016