The Wealthy Expect More Volatility
No matter what your net worth, we as investors all share common goals. Take a look at how the ultra wealthy are building and protecting their net worth….an informative read.
Are You On The Right Track?
In bull markets some investors develop unhealthy expectations as to the long term yields their investments should provide. Ten years ago, some came to accept returns as high as 15% to 20% per annum as the base return their fund and portfolio managers were expected to provide. Of course, these expectations came crashing back to earth in 2008 as the bull was chased away by a very large bear. Today, many fund managers are of the opinion that double digit returns are going to be very difficult to achieve with any consistency over the long term.
Is it time for us to lower our expectations?
If we have to accept lower rates of return, do we still want to be exposed to the same previous level of risk? There can be tremendous volatility in the equity markets and, as a result, many wonder if they are on the right track with their investment strategy.
4 Questions to ask yourself about your investment strategy
What are my goals?
A Lifetime Gift for Your Grandchildren
The Cascading Life Insurance Strategy
If you are a grandparent wishing to provide an asset for your grandchildren without compromising your own financial security you may want to consider an estate planning application known as cascading life insurance.
How does the Cascading Life Insurance Strategy work? Read more