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DM Monthly Report – Dec 2019

WHAT IF THERE’S A THIRD WAY?  The recent federal election might have been the most divisive in our history, with the political map almost perfectly cleaved at the Manitoba/Ontario border. No topic separated attitudes more than the fate of our energy as-sets, with one side dug in for jobs and revenue, and the other counting these benefits as insignificant relative to our collective responsibility for the environment. What if these positions arent mutually exclusive, though? What if the case for Canadian energy development and the best intermediate course for the global environment were one and the same? The chart below shows world oil consumption over the past decade, which will soon pass 100m barrels/day for the first time:

Click here to read more:  DM-Monthly-Report-Dec-19


Cardinal Update – Nov 2019

Artificial Intelligence – Predictions are the process of filling in missing information. It uses information you have (data) to generate information you don’t have. For example, A.I. is being used in radiology. It is trained with millions of old images and diagnostics. It is then given a new patient scan and gives a prediction as to whether cancer is present or not. Tests are conducted to confirm the prediction and this data is fed back into the A.I. to improve the prediction ability. This is superior to human ability due to the sheer amount of data an A.I. has accessed.

In terms of our portfolio’s exposure to A.I., under the framework of “cheap predictions” the answer is literally every company in the future will have exposure to A.I. in some way or form.

Click here to read more: Cardinal Update – November 2019