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Tips for a guilt-free Holiday Season

Even for those of us who love the holiday season, this time of year can be very stressful. In addition to all our regular commitments, we somehow manage to squeeze in enough time for holiday shopping, extra cooking and baking, get-togethers and parties, and maybe even a school concert or two.

The stores started stocking holiday décor in October, and suddenly the pressure is on – to have the “perfect” holiday, but do we really need perfection and all the stuff that goes with it? Read more »


Cardinal Quarterly – Oct 2019

Market Outlook – Stock markets across the globe have continued to climb a wall of worry, with most major indices near record highs despite consistent fears that a downturn is imminent. We still believe that investors will be rewarded far more for optimism than pessimism. Given headline grabbing risks such as the China trade war, a number of military hotspots like Iran where tensions are escalating, and now the threat of Presidential impeachment, being optimistic is not easy.

Click here to read more:  Cardinal Quarterly – October 2019



DM Monthly Report – Oct 2019

CAPITAL ALLOCATION FOLLOWING SENTIMENT – Last month we highlighted the low level of bullishness indicated in recent investor surveys and noted that such pessimistic readings often presage market strength. Hard data are pointing in the same direction right now, with individuals confirming their negative sentiment through their capital allocation decisions and choice of equity sectors.

Click here to read more:  DM-Monthly-Report-Oct-19