Protecting Estate Values When Your Investments Decline
The total net value of your estate represents what you will leave to your family when you die. It may include the following:
- Your residence;
- Cottage or other recreational property;
- Investment real estate;
- Stocks, bonds, mutual funds and commodities
- Life insurance;
- Any other assets you wish to leave to your heirs.
After paying off any liabilities, taxes arising at death, last expenses etc., what is left over is what your family will use to maintain the lifestyle that you created for them.
Two easy ways to make sure debt and investment losses do not impact the estate you leave for your family Read more

The Need for Corporate Life Insurance
Life insurance is used for two general purposes in a private corporation – managing risk and creating opportunities. The risk management function is satisfied as life insurance provides the corporation with a tax-free payment in the event of the death of an owner or someone vital to the success of the business. As life insurance also allows for the tax-sheltered build up of cash value additional planning opportunities are additionally created.
The primary needs for corporate owned life insurance to satisfy the risk management purpose are as follows:
Key Person Life Insurance
Any prudent business would insure its company facilities and equipment that is used in creating revenue. It follows then that the business should also insure the lives of the people that run the company and make the decisions which contribute to its profit. Any owner, manager or employee whose death would impair the future growth and success of the company is a key person and should be insured as such. Read more

Cardinal Update – March 2019
CARDINAL PHILANTHROPY: Your Partner in Charitable Giving – As a client of Cardinal Capital Management Inc. or as one of our advisor partners, there are extensive resources available to you when considering charitable gifting. Perhaps your thoughts involve making a substantial gift to a charity in Canada, or perhaps setting up your own family foundation, or something in between, Cardinal Philanthropy has the knowledge, skills and experience to help you make such decisions.
Click here to read more: Cardinal Update – March 2019

DM Monthly Report – March 2019
SHARE REPURCHASES REACH RECORD LEVELS IN 2018 – Though identifying companies which are able to generate and grow cash flow is fundamental to our equity investment process, perhaps even more important is the emphasis we put on understanding what management will do with excess capital once received. As we see it, a company can invest surplus funds to generate organic growth, it can acquire other firms to realize synergies, it can boost its dividend, and/or it can buy its own stock in the open market. If management is effective in its use of capital, the company’s intrinsic value will rise and, eventually, this should be reflected in share price.
Click here to read more: DM-Monthly-Report-Mar-19