DM Montly Report – Summer 2018
PERCEPTION AND REALITY IN ENERGY MARKETS – The modern electric car is an engineering marvel and most of us would love one in our driveway. Wind farms are sprouting up like dandelion patches in several regions and solar is now so efficient that it’s become a viable power alternative for many homes and buildings. With renewable energy technology racing ahead and western nations focused on moving beyond fossil fuels, it’s hardly surprising that global demand for oil and gas is in decline. Except that it isn’t. In fact, aside from a brief setback during the deep 2008/09 recession, yearly consumption has risen steadily and now sits at all time highs.
Click here to read more: DM-Monthly-Report-Summer-18

Cardinal Update – June 2018
THE CANADIAN BANKS – The Canadian banks have been consistent operators over the last several years, (even through a severe oil and gas downturn) yet remain largely underappreciated. This is partly attributable to the media’s focus on the slowdown in Canadian housing, due in part to new mortgage rules and high consumer leverage, and the potential concerns these raise for the banks. With the Canadian banks having recently completed another quarterly reporting season, it is worthwhile to look at the data points that help to assess the concerns, as well as some broader trends supporting the investment thesis.
Click here to read more: Cardinal Update – June 2018

Prepare in Advance for Next Year’s Tax Filing
Phew! Tax season is over! You have hopefully just filed your 2017 personal income tax returns. Was it a satisfying experience for you? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment or dismay? For many, the April 30th deadline seems to arrive way too soon. If this is the case with you, starting the process much earlier would seem to be the answer.
The process should include proper record keeping, taking advantage of the tax saving methods available to you, and, perhaps, finally getting a professional to complete and file your return on your behalf. The problem with handing your taxes alone is that often people don’t know what they don’t know. This results in paying more in taxes than was necessary. The cost of a professional completing your taxes potentially could be offset by the savings that might be gained.
Even if you earned little to no income, filing your return is a good idea and could prove to be advantageous. This is because there are a number of federal and provincial government programs that you might be eligible for if your declared income is below a certain threshold. You can refer to the Government of Canada website for the child and family benefits that might be available to you. Read more

Cardinal Update – May 2018
FEDERAL BUDGET 2018 – TAXING PASSIVE INCOME – The federal government released a consultation paper last summer targeting tax planning strategies using private corporations. This proposal was met with strong criticism from the business community and resulted in some awkward town hall meetings for Finance Minister Bill Morneau. Five months after the close of the consultation period, we are being presented with a federal budget far less dramatic than originally feared. But there are still some material changes that we need to understand. One of the more impactful changes involves passive income earned within a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC). Passive income is earned on corporate investments separate from active business operations.
Click here to read more: Cardinal Update – May 2018