Provisus – Advisor’s Perspective – Fall 2017
DIVERSITY, NOT JUST FOR YOUR PORTFOLIO – There is an old joke in investment management that if everything in your portfolio went up, then it isn’t diversified enough. The same line of thinking also applies to those who work in the industry as well; if everyone thinks the same way then we could get systemic errors occurring all the time. Thankfully diversity has become a key trait to being a successful asset manager and advisor, along with curiosity, tenacity and integrity.
Click here to read more: Advisor’s Perspective – Fall 2017

Cardinal Update – December 2017
RESEARCH PROCESS IN FOCUS: ENBRIDGE – Enbridge (ENB) shares have underperformed this year. The shares have declined by 12%, while the TSX is up 5%. Shares were as low as $44, but have shown recent strength at $49.50/sh. after some company announcements including a 10% dividend increase for 2018. We continue to see excellent value in ENB in its ability to support and raise its dividend, which is yielding over 5%. Our confidence is driven by our assessment of three perceived issues as well as our evaluation of the strength of ENB’s business model.
COMPANY FOCUS: SIMON PROPERTY GROUP – Simon Property Group (“Simon”) is the world’s largest retail real estate investment trust (“REIT”) with ownership of properties including the Premium Outlets and Mills branded centers, and iconic shopping centers such as The Forum Shops at Caesars.
Click here to read more: Cardinal Update – December 2017

DM Newsletter – December 2017
Including Risk in the Definition of Performance – When reviewing portfolio performance, investors often want to know how they’ve done vs. other available options, which might include comparisons against widely accepted benchmarks, other money managers, or even different asset classes. What is often left out of such cursory analysis, however, is risk and how much of it was borne to achieve realized returns. Unfortunately, risk can be a difficult attribute to quantify ahead of time and is often only fully appreciated after the fact, when damage has already been done.
Click here to read more: DM-Monthly-Report-Dec-17

TFSA or RRSP 2018
One of the most common investment questions Canadians ask themselves today is, “Which is better, TFSA or RRSP”?
Here’s the good news – it doesn’t have to be an either or choice. Why not do both? Below are the features of both plans to help you understand the differences.
Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA)
- Any Canadian resident age 18 or over may open a TFSA. Contribution is not based on earned income. There is no maximum age for contribution.
- Maximum contribution is $5,500 per year.
- There is carry forward room for each year in which the maximum contribution was not made. For those who have not yet contributed to a TFSA, the cumulative total contribution room as of 2017 is $52,000. Read more